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Inbound Web Design

20 Timeless Inbound Design “Pearls of Wisdom” from the Greats

Posted by Mike Cerio on Aug 7, 2012 7:50:00 AM

I have a confession to make.

I am a bit of a “quote collector.” I have files upon files of quotes tucked away on my hard drive, post-its on my computer monitor, and littering my desk. Most are one-liners, each summing up a particular area of life and sharing a “pearl of wisdom” from the lives of great marketers, business people, or those who have a knack for motivating us mere mortals.

Each week I share some of these quotes via Twitter in a series called “1001 Marketing Messages in a Bottle,” and I thought I would share some of my favorite design quotes with you here today... 

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Topics: Design, Website Design Tips, Inbound Website Design, Marketing Quotes, Design Quotes